Teaching Interests
Accepting Jobs: Yes
Program Type you want to teach in: Certificate, Institute, Community College, Undergraduate, Graduate
Type of Dissertation Advisor/Committee they are seeking: None
Research Interests:
Teaching Interests: Ernst Stephen Pompilus’ Philosophy of Education Statement My philosophy of education is based on critical thinking to acquire information as a survival apparatus or tool, which will lead to effective decision making in daily activities. I believe everyone must be a lifelong learner in order to keep his/her brain function as normal as possible, but that can only happen through learning new things. In order for that to happen, teachers must be promoters of education as a survival tool. Also, I believe teaching can happen through distance and traditional approaches as well as learning, but both approaches require student’s engagement to be effective. My approach to learning embodies constructivism with the students as the centerpiece, which means teachers must serve as a guide to help them develop a purpose of acquiring new information. In my understanding, constructivism is a process focusing on building a framework of understanding concepts related to his/her own experiences through interacting with his/her environment and others such as colleagues, teachers, and related objects of the subject matter. I believe by applying this concept to education, it implies that students are accumulated knowledge relatively with the help of the teachers or guides or facilitators; however, one must effectively build their own knowledge through engagements and interactions. Also, this approach proves teachers are not knowledge givers instead, they are facilitators or guides in the learning environments; therefore, the process of learning has shown that it is a collaborative process between students and teachers. In conclusion, I believe constructive learning process has the purpose of helping students to develop a purpose of learning to acquire information or knowledge as a survival tool for many years to come; therefore, students must develop motivation and purpose through student’s interaction and engagement of learning. For that to happen, teachers must be morally obligated to teach students despite the background and socioeconomic status of the students with achievable expectations of learning.
Where/How would you like to teach?: Online, Hybrid (online & in person)
Days of the Week I Am Available: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday
Times I Am Available on Sundays: None
Times I Am Available on Mondays: Afternoons, Mornings
Times I Am Available on Tuesdays: Afternoons, Mornings
Times I Am Available on Wednesdays: Afternoons, Mornings
Times I Am Available on Thursdays: Afternoons, Mornings
Times I Am Available on Fridays: Mornings
Times I Am Available on Saturdays: None
Semester Availability: Spring, Summer
How often would you like to teach?: 2 to 3 times a week
Which time zones are you willing to teach in? MST / GMT-7
Email: adjunct@adjunctconnect.org